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Friday, August 17, 2012

Pengalaman Pertama Bung Karno Naik Kuda

Tahun 1946, setahun setelah proklamasi, masih banyak hal-hal aneh, unik, lucu, dan menggelikan terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Contoh, rakyat belum mengerti benar arti merdeka. Mereka ada yang mengartikan, merdeka adalah bebas naik kereta api. Jad, manakala kondektur memungut ongkos, mereka tersinggung, “Lho,” teriak rakyat, “kan kita sudah merdeka?”

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Color of House

Tips For Painting The Exterior of Your Home

What's the best color to paint the outside of your home? That depends on the compass direction at the back of the house. There are eight feng shui house types. The house type is determined by the "sitting" compass direction. The sitting direction is the direction at the rear of the house.  The exterior color of a home should match the house type. If a house faces north, the sitting direction would be south.  Compass directions are associated with one of the five elements of feng shui: water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

Finding Your Directions

Every one of us has four auspicious directions and four inauspicious directions. When you learn to activate your auspicious directions and avoid your inauspicious directions, you're able to improve many aspects of your life, including your health, relationships, and financial situation.
The first step of finding your auspicious and inauspicious directions is to calculate your Kua Number.
Once you've calculated your Kua number, you can refer to the chart below to find out your four auspicious directions (Sheng Chi, Tien Yi, Yan Nien, and Fu Wei) and your four inauspicious directions (Ho Hai, Wu Kwei , Lui Sha, and Chueh Ming)

Feng Shui


“If there is light in the soul there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation there will be peace in the world.” Ancient Chinese Proverb
The History of Feng Shui
Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is an ancient practice that originated from China and is more than 3,000 years old. The word Feng comes from the Chinese word for wind and the word Shui from the Chinese word for water. The practice of this ancient art is intended to balance the invisible energies within an inhabited space in order to maintain the good health of those who live there.
Feng Shui is rooted in the Taoist understanding of nature which centers on the idea that the world and the environment we live in is alive and full of chi or energy. In ancient China it was believed that the energy of the environment could make a land prosperous or bring about its ruin. 
How Feng Shui Works
The theory and practice of Feng Shui is concerned with the balance of yin and yang and the five elements of Feng Shui. Yin and yang are the two interacting forces that sustain the cosmos. Yin is the female aspect and yang the male. The balance of these two energies brings order to the chaos of the universe. The five elements include wood, fire, metal, earth and water.
According to the principles of this ancient art, if you want to improve your career, increase you wealth or attract a new partner you will be able to do so by ridding your home of clutter, rearranging your furniture and adding new colors and materials to your rooms.
The main tools of Feng Shui practice are the compass and the Ba-Gua or octagonal grid containing the symbols of the I Ching. The I Ching is the ancient Chinese oracle on which Feng Shui is based. The compass, also known as lo-pan, will be your guide to defining the ba-gua of your home so that you can develop a deeper understanding of favorable and unfavorable Feng Shui areas, connect specific areas to specific people in your life and develop Feng Shui elements needed in specific areas.
The Feng Shui compass consists of a magnetic needle around which are placed up to forty concentric rings of information. The base of the compass is traditionally red as this is an auspicious color in Chinese culture; it also helps to protect the compass’s energy.
You should take the first compass reading while you are inside the house looking out from the front door. You should take several readings from similar spots so that you can rule out any interference from electromagnetic fields. Once you have taken a few readings from inside at different distances from the front door you can then take one from outside. The purpose of taking a reading looking out your front door is to get an accurate reading of which way your house is facing.
When you have obtained an accurate reading, you can work out the positions of all your rooms relative to the compass. Once this is done you will be able to work on your ba-gua energy plan for you whole living space. The image below shows a ba-gua plan which can help you to balance the chi in your home.

As you can see, the plan is a detailed guide to what colors you can place in different areas and what those directional zones symbolize. Here are some tips for using Feng Shui at home:
  • Have a well designed storage system so that none of your rooms are cluttered. Clutter impedes the balance and flow of chi throughout your home.
  • Always keep the front entrance clear and use it. Don’t be tempted to use the back door or the garage door all the time.
  • Keep unseasonable clothes stored away rather than having them lying around or hanging in your closet.
  • Fix any broken appliances or get rid of them. This will increase your energy.
  • Use a round dining table as this will promote unity. You should have an even number of dining chairs to maintain balance.
  • Choose a wooden bed rather than a metal one as these are healthier because metal beds conduct electricity.
  • Do not have any appliances near your bed.
  • If you are having problems sleeping, remove any large mirrors or large living plants from the bedroom.
  • Place your headboard against the most solid wall in the room.
  • To calm the nerves in any room use sandalwood, neroli and lavender oils or scented candles.
  • To stimulate and refresh use fresh citrus smells such as orange, lemon and mint. If you want to elevate your mood, use jasmine, basil or sage.
 Let’s say you wanted to use Feng Shui in your office, here are some tips:
  • Arrange any awards or certificates in the south area (this is the area of celebrity and fame). It is also auspicious to place a photograph of a celebrity that you admire in this area.
  • Family photos should be placed on the east side of your office as this is the family area.
  • Reference or text books should be placed in the zone of knowledge and self-development, which is in the northeast.
  • Keep new projects on the east side of your desk as this area symbolizes spring and new growth.
  • Any checks or money waiting to be deposited in the bank should be stored in the west side of your desk as this symbolizes harvest and abundance.
  • Keep waste baskets out of sight.


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Friday, August 10, 2012

Manifest your Vision with Help from Intuitive Feng Shui

An example of Feng Shui Bagua - a map of sorts!

Did you know that Feng Shui, the ancient art of placement and balancing, can help you realize your Intentions?

Don’t go rushing to find a book (you may or may not already have!) on what you need to do by the rules.

Today I want to talk to you about Intuitive Feng Shui. I am a certified Black Sect Feng Shui practitioner but I want to show you something you can use without needing to study all of this information. This method utilizes one of our most wonderful assets, our Intuition!

Here are the simple steps you can use to bring more energy to your vision.

1. Select an intention or goal you are currently choosing to manifest. Write it down. Imagine yourself in a life where this intention or goal is already manifest, doesn’t it feel really good?

2. Ask yourself, “What room in my home or business needs attention to help me manifest this vision?” (It can also be an area in your yard or property.)

3. Go to that room or area and ask yourself, “What is the most important thing in this room (or area) that needs attention to help me manifest my vision?”

4. The next question is, “What do I need to change, add and or take away now to move energy and help me create my vision?”

5. Go for it! Change the energy in this room and see how things start to move.

You may find yourself with more than one answer and they may all help. To start, keep it simple. You want to go with the absolute first impression that comes to your mind. This is the impression we often brush aside if we have not been honoring the power of Intuition. It usually comes in the first 5 seconds. Something may all of a sudden stand out like a sore thumb. It might feel more like an impression than a thought.

If you feel stuck, pretend you know. You may think this is foolish but pretending can bring answers from deep in your subconscious mind. Just go with it and play. You can say something like, “in my imaginary world what would I change to bring more energy to my vision?” This is you finding your own guidance. All the information and rules in Feng Shui are nice to know but the essential element is Energy. When you change energy in a way that creates more balance and pleases you, it will send a ripple effect out into your world. Don’t worry about being and expert!

Tips for opening your right brain for this exercise are:

1. Close your right eye and only look through the left.

2. Write your intention with the opposite hand you normally write with.

3. Stand on your left leg.

I know these may sound crazy but, because we have a cross-over neurological flow in our brains, standing on your left leg or looking out of your left eye will help to activate your right brain intuitive side.

Enjoy creating some new energy and have a blessed day.
Namaste, Marilyn

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Tips Feng Shui Menempati Rumah Baru

Menempati rumah baru adalah moment yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh anggota keluarga, namun sebelum Anda pindah sebaiknya perhatikan tips feng shui berikut untuk kelancaran acara pindah rumah Anda.

Penentuan Hari dan Tanggal Baik

Tanggal suatu kelahiran mengandung unsur shio dan elemen, maka hari yang menjadi pilihan Anda untuk pindah tersebut harus memiliki shio dan elemen yang baik. Sehingga memiliki interaksi yang harmonis baik dengan keluarga, termasuk juga dengan seluruh anggota keluarga.

Tanggal sangat memegang peranan untuk kemakmuran dan kesuksesan, dapat kita lihat Olimpiade China yang ditentukan tanggal 8 bulan 8 tahun 08 (yang merupakan hari dengan energi chi super, yang mengantarkan event ini berlangsung sangat sukses dan mendapat pujian secara global.

Utamakan Kepala Keluarga

Setelah Anda hari dan tanggal baik untuk pindah rumah tiba, sebagaimana lazimnya seringkali anak-anak dan istri demikian antusias untuk memasuki rumah baru tersebut, terlebih lagi mungkin anggota keluarga non inti turut serta untuk mengantar dan meramaikan suasana. Ternyata hal ini bukanlah merupakan hal yang terbilang baik, karena sebaiknya sang kepala keluarga-lah yang pertama kali membuka pintu dan memasuki rumah baru tersebut.

Lakukanlah dengan menghimpun segenap pemikiran dan perasaan yang positif karena hal ini akan mempengaruhi interaksi diri dengan energi rumah baru tersebut. Setelah kepala keluarga, barulah diikuti oleh istri dan anak-anak.

Penerangan dan Ventilasi

Nyalakan semua lampu yang ada untuk beberapa saat, biarkan nyala lampu di semua ruangan (termasuk lampu di eksterior) menjadi simbol akan benderangnya kemakmuran keluarga di rumah baru tersebut.

Lanjutkan dengan membuka semua jendela yang berguna sebagai simbolisasi masuknya udara dan energi baru yang fresh ke dalam rumah, dan bukalah secara bersamaan (untuk tempo sebentar) seluruh keran-keran air termasuk shower untuk melambangkan lancar dan berimbangnya aliran masuk maupun aliran keluar, tanpa adanya sumbatan.

Hindari Kegiatan Berbersih

Aktivitas bersih-bersih di hari pertama merupakan hal mengasyikkan dan alamiah bagi setiap istri dan ibu rumah tangga, tundalah kegiatan mencuci dan menyapu sampai minimal hari selanjutnya. Biarkan peralatan bersih-bersih ini ada di area luar atau belakang dari rumah dan jangan perlihatkan di dalam rumah terlebih di area dapur dan ruang makan.

Akhiri dengan Memasak

Prosesi kepindahan ini akan ideal bila diakhiri dengan aktivitas di dapur alias memasak oleh sang ratu di keluarga. Upayakan agar sang istri sudah menyiapkan bahan baku makanan saat kepindahan tersebut, untuk mengolahnya sendiri di dapur keluarga guna disajikan pada keluarga untuk disantap bersama.

Beberapa keluarga modern memang cukup sibuk sehingga lebih sering melakukan delivery order atau santap di restaurant, namun spesial untuk hari kepindahan ini, usahakan agar santapan dibuat sendiri langsung di dapur, sebagai simbolisasi terjadinya proses pembuatan dan penyajian berkat makanan di rumah baru tersebut.

Demikian sekilas tips praktis yang perlu diketahui untuk menunjang kemakmuran Anda dikala mulai menempati rumah baru, konsultasikan dengan ahli feng shui Anda untuk mendapatkan layanan penentuan tanggal baik untuk pindahan yang disesuaikan berdasarkan tanggal kelahiran kepala keluarga dan anggota keluarga lainnya.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Kode Warna Kabel Headunit













 (optional) orange= illuminatiion/dimmer
light green=parking

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Quote of the Day

Imagination is the wide-open eye which leads us always to see truth more vividly.
Christopher Fry
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